Tourist Accommodation Association

Tourist license for apartments and holiday homes in Sitges

All the news and useful information to obtain the tourist license in Sitges and adapt your home for tourist use.

We help you to obtain the tourist license in Sitges

The tourist license is a permit that you must obtain if you want to allocate a home for vacation use. This procedure takes between 1 to 3 months to complete and must be carried out before the opening of the establishment or house in which the tourist activity will be launched.

If you want to put your property for vacation use and advertise it on tourist accommodation portals such as Airbnb or Tripadvisor, you must have this license with the registration number to operate within the legal framework. Similarly, if as a guest you want to stay in a vacation home during your vacation, you must verify that said property has the corresponding tourist license to be covered in the event of any incident or problem that may arise.

Vacation Rental and Real Estate

What requirements must my home meet in order to apply for a tourist license?

Before starting the procedures to legalize your tourist home, you must make sure that it meets these basic requirements:

Have habitability certificate

The home must comply with the technical and quality conditions required of all homes. That is, furniture, necessary utensils, Internet connection, etc.

Technical and quality conditions

The home must comply with the technical and quality conditions required of all homes. That is, furniture, necessary utensils, Internet connection, etc.

Number of emergencies

At all times there must be an emergency number available to the guest that must remain active 24/7

Tourist Licenses

Did you know that Sitges, a beautiful tourist destination on the Mediterranean coast, used to be a place where property owners could obtain tourist licenses to rent out their vacation properties? Unfortunately, due to certain restrictions, these licenses have been recently suspended.

Benefits of having a tourist license

The main advantage of obtaining a tourist license is that you can legally start your tourist accommodation activity in Sitges. In addition, this will allow you to advertise the home on real estate and advertising portals.


Since December 2016, the allocation of new licenses for tourist homes in Sitges has been paralyzed, due to the fact that the number of homes for holiday use exceeds 20% of the real estate park. Those interested can acquire properties that do have a license prior to this date and continue with the activity.

Contact us for more information

Would you like to join the waiting list?

Did you know that Sitges, a beautiful tourist destination on the Mediterranean coast, used to be a place where property owners could obtain tourist licenses to rent out their vacation properties? Unfortunately, due to certain restrictions, these licenses have been recently suspended.

But there is good news: we are taking steps to change this situation. We are collecting signatures from owners like you, who wish to regain a tourist license in Sitges. We firmly believe that vacation rentals can be beneficial for both property owners and the local economy.

Imagine having the opportunity to share the beauty of Sitges with tourists from all over the world, while earning additional income for yourself and your family. Sustainable tourism can generate employment, revitalize local commerce, and promote the culture of our beautiful city.

Don't miss the opportunity to be part of positive change and contribute to the development of our community!

Advantages of having a house or apartment with a tourist license in Sitges

Given its wide cultural, commercial, gastronomic, leisure and events offer, Sitges is a town that attracts a large influx of tourists and has established itself as one of the preferred destinations for national and international visitors. In addition, it is very well connected to the airport and the city of Barcelona, which is why millions of tourists visit it every year.

Managing a flat or house with a tourist license is an investment that brings many economic benefits, being able to obtain a higher annual return than that obtained with a traditional rental. From Hello Homes we put it on a tray so that you can enjoy the benefits of having a tourist apartment or vacation home in Sitges. We advertise your home, manage reservations and everything related to guests and we take care of everything from start to finish, from obtaining the license to paying guests, so you can not worry about everything, saving time and maximum benefit .

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