Concurso-Sorteo viaje Sitges- NYC

Legal Bases Sitges-NYC - Hello Homes Trip Contest-Raffle Campaign


The organizing entity of this draw is: HELLO APARTMENT S.L. duly registered in the registry of state-level associations of the Ministry of the Interior: Mercantile Registry of Barcelona, Volume 44948, Folio 104, Sheet 472202 with address at 69 Sant Eusebi Street, 08006 Barcelona and CIF: B-6658542 (in Go ahead, HH).


The start date of the Contest-Sweepstakes is November 27, 2023. The end date of the Contest-Raffle is December 15, 2023 at 12:00 p.m. If for reasons of force majeure or beyond the control of HH it is necessary to postpone or modify the duration of the promotion, or cancel or repeat it, this fact will be notified. to participants through their Instagram account.

The decision of the draw will be made before a notary and it will be public on December 18, 2023 through HH's Instagram account.


This Contest-Raffle will take place carried out exclusively in the town of Sitges.

Codedigitor postal 08870, Sitges, Catalonia, Spain.


  1. Follow @HelloHomesSitges on IG
  2. Like the Contest post - S
  3. Leave a comment mentioning the person with whom you would like to enjoy the trip for 2 people to New York.
  4. Enter the page:

  1. answer three simple questions about Hello Homes and fill out a form with your contact information to finalize participation in the Contest - Raffle


Participation in the Contest-Sweepstakes is free, voluntary and is subject to change. Limited to those who meet all the requirements listed below:

- Natural person.


-Reside or work in Sitges.

The participant's Meta profile must be real: she must not contain a false identity.

Comply with the requirements set out in the previous clause regarding the mechanics of participation in the Contest-Sweepstakes.

Do not use this promotion to: spread political or religious ideas; promote insults and/or slander against third parties; use violent, obscene or offensive language; publish content other than the object of the promotion mechanics.


Once the participation period has ended, the winners will be drawn. the prize among those who answered the questions in the Contest-Raffle correctly.

The person who wins the prize will have You must prove, through the relevant legal documentation, your registration in the town of Sitges or, failing that, the employment contract in said town.

There will only be a winner and for legal reasons or non-compliance with the regulations of the Contest-Sweepstakes, the winner may be designate another winner again by the same method.

The draw will be held before a notary to attest to the prize and its winner.


The Gift or prize consists of a round trip to New York for two people (the winner and a designated companion) with a stay in one of the apartments that HH has in New York for 5 nights that the winner chooses from January 3, 2024 and until February 292024

Flights are made from Barcelona airport from Monday to Friday. (Weekends are excluded).

Transfers to Barcelona airport are not included

You can only enjoy the prize in the period naturally included as one week once the departure and arrival dates have been chosen, always subject to availability.

Its approximate value is 2,500 Eur.

The prize cannot be It shall not be subject to change, alteration or compensation, nor exchangeable for its cash value. The prize can only be transferable to 1st family members. degree (a person's parents, his brothers and sisters, and his children).


By accepting these Rules, participants disassociate Meta from any claim they may raise during the development of the Contest-Draw, and accept that Meta is only a platform completely independent of the Contest-Draw. Meta does not sponsor, endorse, or administer the Contest-Sweepstakes in any way, nor is it responsible for this. associated with him. The information that participants provide is provided to HH and not to Meta.

The information provided will only be used for the assumptions explained in these Bases.


Once the prize has been publicly notified and delivered, the winner will inform the winner. to HH (tel.+34 931205889and email info@ of the date on which you wish to enjoy the prize in the period previously stipulated by HH.

HH will check if the prize, always subject to availability, can be enjoyed on said date. Otherwise, it will offer another possible date to the winner. In the event that the winner cannot enjoy the prize on any of the dates offered, it will be understood that he renounces the prize.


The mere fact of participating in this Contest-Draw implies acceptance in its entirety and without reservation of these rules and the criteria of HH regarding the resolution of any issue arising from the Contest-Draw . HH reserves the right to make any changes it deems appropriate to these bases at any time, including, but not limited to, the cancellation, repetition, extension, postponement or modification of the same. This situation will become worse. It will be conveniently made known to the Participants through the same means in which the holding of the Contest-Sweepstakes has been communicated, and HH will be exempt from any obligation or financial compensation with respect to the Participants. These Bases will be available to anyone who wishes to consult them.

11. FREE

Participation in this raffle is free of charge and does not entail any cost for the participants, leaving aside the above provisions regarding the participation requirements and the tax regime provided for further. go ahead.


HH is not responsible for the veracity of the data provided by the participants, so it is not responsible for the impossibility of not being able to contact them, register them, deliver the prize, etc., if the data provided to the organization are not correct.

HH reserves the right to automatically and immediately exclude from this Contest-Sweepstakes any participant who fails to comply with these rules.

HH reserves, in the event that these irregularities are detected after the award of the prize, the right to take legal action against its author, among others, those aimed at the return of the prize.

HH reserves the right to change the prize offered for another of identical or similar value due to force majeure.


All those prizes whose value exceeds 300€ They are subject to withholding or deposit on account.

Pursuant to the above, HH will be is obliged to make the mandatory withholding or payment on account of the Income Tax of the winning participant.

Therefore, the winning participant must provide HH as an essential requirement for the delivery of the prize, all the personal and fiscal data that it requests, as well as as a photocopy of the DNI, so that the corresponding retention can be carried out. Otherwise it will be understood that the winner renounces the prize.


The personal data of the participants will not be transferred or used by any third party, leaving the draw before a notary (who will respect the confidentiality of the names of all participants) and the communication of the prize safe. will be sent to the winner (which, as previously stated, will mean publicly communicating his/her name and surname, but not any other information).

In compliance with current regulations on data protection, we inform you that by participating in this Contest-Sweepstakes, you expressly consent to the processing of your personal data and their inclusion in the databases. Hello Homes data, being processed by it as Data Controller, for the following purposes: managing the Contest-Sweepstakes, notifying the winner of the prize and, where applicable, the sending and/or delivery of the products/services that are the subject of the raffle to the winner; like this how to manage the publicity of the promotion and its results by any means, including electronic means, in which it will be possible to include the name of the winner of the Soreto-Contest.

Likewise, we inform you that the basis that legitimizes the processing is the consent of the interested party by voluntarily participating in the draw in compliance with the legal bases applicable to it; that no data will be transferred to third parties, except under legal obligation, and that the data will be kept for the duration of the draw and, once it is over, for the time provided by law to address any possible responsibilities.

You can withdraw your consent at any time, as well as How to exercise your right of access, rectification, deletion, portability, limitation and opposition, by writing to the LOPD Consultation Office of Hello Homes, with CIF: B-6658542 and address at calle Sant Eusebi 69, 08006 Barcelona through the email, indicating the specific treatment and the right you want exercise, and accompanying it with a photocopy of the DNI/NIE of the interested party. In case of discrepancies, you can file a claim with the Data Protection Agency (


For any divergence that may arise regarding the interpretation or compliance of these bases, both HH and the participants, expressly waiving any other type of jurisdiction, submit to the jurisdiction of the Courts and Tribunals. from Barcelona

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