Written by Hello Homes Sitges|Updated: 06-12-2024 |0 Comments
Although by the name it might seem like a week... It usually lasts 10 days. 10 days of activities throughout the day aimed at a specific group: The Bears.
The origins of the social phenomenon of The Bears (BEAR) emerged in the late eighties among a sector of the gay community in San Francisco, California - USA.
The Bears movement was born with the brilliant idea of uniting people who feel completely comfortable with their masculine appearance. This phenomenon has been and continues to be a great facilitator for The Bears and those who find attractive aspects such as body hair, maturity, corpulence, to get to know each other, without this meaning that nobody is excluded at all.
- Fraternity:
It doesn't matter where everyone comes from, what their tastes are, what their religion is,... Once they arrive in Sitges, everyone is brothers, everyone loves each other, everyone gets along...
- Normality:
Both among themselves and among others not considered part of the community, the atmosphere during these 10 days in Sitges is completely normal. There is no judgment, no criticism. Everyone feels comfortable. Although, from my point of view, there wouldn't even be a need to emphasize something like that since everyone can do, feel, or dress as they please.
During the 10 days of this event, we find a wide range of different activities where our beloved Bears get to know each other, have fun, relax, and discover Sitges...
During this "week," there will be events such as parties, tours of Sitges, entire afternoons at the beach, night routes to the renowned bars and pubs, theme nights, sauna afternoons...
By clicking on the following link, you can see the program for this year to get an idea: https://bearssitges.org/bears-sitges-week/
At Hello Homes, we are more than delighted to welcome the community. The first week of September is one of the most anticipated for us to receive them. In the days leading up to their arrival, we prepare bags with gummy bears to make their stay even sweeter. They are very polite people, charming, and they come to have fun, which we also love. Just when it seems that summer is ending and vacations are over... They arrive to fill the town with a lively atmosphere and good vibes.
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